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Is Your Company Hiring? 8 Tips For Interviewing New Talent Thumbnail

Is Your Company Hiring? 8 Tips For Interviewing New Talent

By the end of April 2020, a record-breaking 26 million jobs were lost in just five weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic.1 While the unemployment rate is starting to level off, the economic uncertainly of struggling businesses and unemployed Americans has made it difficult for many to find work.

It’s possible, however, that your company may begin hiring again shortly. Whether you’re new to the hiring process or looking to brush up on your interviewing skills, here are our eight tips for talking to new talent.

Tip #1: Have Questions Prepared Beforehand

Having a predetermined list of questions to ask candidates is important for a number of reasons. It ensures you’re asking every candidate the same questions, which can help level the playing field. Plus, it can help you come across as articulate, prepared and serious about the interview. 

Tip #2: Take Notes During the Interview

Taking diligent notes is especially important if you are interviewing multiple candidates in a short period of time. You’ll want to be able to keep each candidate and their answers separate from one another. When it comes time to narrow down people for an upcoming interview, you’ll have your notes to reference - making your life much easier. 

Tip #3: Dig Deep Into Their Work History

If a candidate has more than one job where they didn’t stay for very long, make sure you find out why. While there may be a reasonable explanation, candidates who tend to skip from job to job every few months could be worrisome. You want to be sure that their work ethic, commitment to the job and personality mesh well with your team.

Tip #4: Base Your Questions on the Job Description

Write out essential questions that are based directly on the job description. Let these lead the conversation, as you determine how qualified this candidate may be for this specific role. 

Tip #5: Be a Good Listener

Remember, you’re the interviewer, they’re the candidate. While you’re here to facilitate the conversation, being a good listener is crucial. Ask your questions and educate the candidate about the business, but the ultimate goal is to find out more about them. 

Tip #6: Let the Conversation Flow Naturally

Asking generic questions can start to become tedious and expected. If you really want to connect with an interviewee, have an actual conversation with them. This is a chance to get a better idea of what their personality is like, making it easier to determine whether or not they may be a good fit.  

Have a conversation and dive into their experience, past roles and what they can bring to the company. 

Tip #7: Get the Team Involved

Many companies cultivate a team environment. Involving your current team members in the interview process can help you better see how well the candidate communicates with others. This gives the potential candidate an opportunity to weigh in on certain subjects, offer their opinions and showcase their expertise. 

Tip #8: Think About Culture 

While having technical knowledge and skills is important, remember that those can be learned with time. If someone’s personality just doesn’t fit with the company culture, then it may not matter how skilled they are. It’s important to find someone that fits in with the team as a whole, as this will be a sign that the team member is in it for the long-run. 

Before your next hiring frenzy, take the time to reevaluate your interview gameplan. Think about how you’re representing yourself and the company, and how you can most effectively find a candidate whose right for the role.

  1. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/23/841876464/26-million-jobs-lost-in-just-5-weeks

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