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Meet Our Founder

What many people don’t expect when they work with us — we’re human too. We’ve all made our fair share of mistakes in this world; many of these mistakes helped us become the competent professionals we are today. 

Without these lessons, we would be left referencing textbook material and subjective news commentary, and that’s no way to run a business. Our hope for every one of our clients is that after each meeting, you’ll feel more confident and rest assured that your money is here to be an engine of opportunity.

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Lukas Khan

Founding Partner


Lukas Khan is the Founding Partner of LJAKE Financial Group. He knows that his previous years' experiences at various financial institutions and law firms are an ideal foundation for his passionate commitment as a Professional Consultant.

Attention to detail, good listening and great compassion are symbols of his appreciation by his clients. He is effectively supported by a group of financial planners, CPA's and attorneys with various backgrounds of expertise, partners and consultants who are all focused on helping all clients and their unique needs related to financial success. Lukas holds several Professional Financial Certifications and Licenses demonstrating his competency in various financial areas of expertise. Only a limited number of individuals have the same number of financial certifications and licenses.

His passion for finance all began at a large corporate bank based in New York City. After working there for several years, he decided that while he was in the right industry, he wanted to be able to make recommendations that truly served his clients’ best interests. A firm that is focused truly on the clients best interests while taking a wholistic approach to financial planning. 

Upon having this realization, he decided to leave the commercial banking world and pursue a variety of positions at several financial planning practices and wealth management firms, eventually deciding to branch off and form his own firm. Since then, he's worked with individuals, couples, families, and businesses of all backgrounds and ages.

Every day, he finds new ways to better serve our clients' with a team that shares the same values and vision as he does. He has no doubt LJAKE Financial Group will continue to grow and make a real difference in our communities. Outside of work, Lukas enjoys volunteering his time at several local organizations. When he's not doing that, he enjoys visiting the local theme parks, boxing, cycling and attending sporting events.

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
I would buy a vacation house and embark on a year-long tour of Europe and Asia.

What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
Spending time with my family, playing cards and enjoying a single-malt scotch.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Live on the beach in the summer and near the mountains in the winter.

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
I’d wish for a rocket-fast metabolism, an amazing memory and perfect health.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Slow down — the faster you go, the more you miss out on.