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We recognize that selecting a consulting firm is a very intimate decision and one that has the potential to provide you and your family with financial well-being and security.  There is no such thing as a firm that is a perfect fit for everyone, and we certainly do not expect to meet every prospective client’s needs.  Since choosing the “right” consultant will have a significant impact on you and your family for years to come, we welcome you to understand and embrace our approach.  At LJAKE Financial Group, our Private Clients™ tell us they enjoy working with us because:

We have a wide range of experience that covers most of our clients’ financial concerns.  The extensiveness of experience at LJAKE Financial Group, assures our clients that we have the skills necessary to focus on their important financial matters. Our Private Clients™ enjoy the simplification of a firm taking a holistic view of their overall financial life. 

Our analysis covers:

  • Financial, Retirement & Estate Planning
  • Investment Management
  • Tax Free Income Strategies
  • Asset Protection
  • Life Insurance & Annuities 

We are independent and free from third party influence.  We offer unbiased and objective advice to help our clients make important decisions.  As an independent fee-based firm, we act as a fiduciary, which confirms we put your interests above our own.  This independence allows us to focus on your specific needs rather than our own.

We have a pro-active mindset in regard to client service.  Our Private Clients™ enjoy meeting on a regular basis to review their financial portfolio and affairs.  Clients know they are not an account number; rather, they are an integral part of our extended family. Our focus is on listening, understanding, and caring about your concerns and then acting to provide assurance and peace of mind to complicated matters.

Contact Us today, to learn how we can help you achieve your financial goals.